viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015


Process of change in Africa

Between 1857 and 1900 Europe countries conquered most regions in Africa, since centuries ago Africa and Europe had been trading and exporting, principally slaves. But the age of imperialism had big consequences on Africa itself, such as the creation of borders which caused conflicts and also the new languages that were adopted.
There were several attempts to initiate a period of intense nationalism, but unfortunately it ended with two wars.
Usually the trades and commodities with Europe were to purchase slaves and to improve agriculture, eventually African slaves were taken to United States to work on urban areas, cotton fields, and they were used as an inversion.
Until 1850, autocratic or anocratic government was the rule, and democracy was a rare exception.  After World War II, the number of autocracies rose more rapidly than the number of democracies.
In 1884 Berlin and West Africa had a conference where they recognized Congo Free State to be privately controlled by a King.

The Scramble for Africa

Independent Countries and colonies- 1890

World map
Countries of Africa

Consequences of imperialism in Africa 

When you try to analyze the political, economic and social consequences of racism, we need to discuss the imperialism. The most developed countries are the ones that have white people and the most undeveloped countries are the non-white. Imperialism and racism are complementary to each other nowadays.

  •  By imperialism Africa was left with the incapability of self-government, and instability in the political aspect.
  • There are still tense relationships between the imperialist countries and their colonized country.
  • As for today, Africa is seen like a weak country because of the lack of organization and is used as the backyard of Europe.
  • Several racial and religious issues are still present between the whites and non-whites.


Howard Dodson. (2003). How Slavery Helped Build a World Economy. 7/11/15, de National Geographic Sitio web:
Thorvaldur Gylfason. (2013). Democracy in Africa . 7/11/15, de VOX CEPR's Policy Portal Sitio web:
Jim Jones. (2010). Europe & Africa in the 19th Century. 7/11/15, de West Chester University Sitio web:
(2014). 19th century in Africa. Nov 8 2015, de The Illustrated Magazine Sitio web:
Mrs. Morris. Social Studies With Mrs. Morris. Nov 8 2015, de Sandy Springs Charter Middle School Sitio web:
Amaia García Ibáñez. (2009). Africa y los efectos de la colonización. Noviembre, 8 2015, de Observatorio de Conflictos Sitio web:

Bob Maier. (1968). Imperialism: political, economic, & social consequences. Noviembre, 8 2015, de The anarchist library Sitio web: